One Day…oh One Day!

Some days I just want to know it all…I want to have control…I hate the fact that I don’t know how things are going to turn out.

Why? Why Lord? Why don’t you just spell it all out for us? It could be so easy.

I wrestle.

I want to know where we going from here. I want to know why this is happening and how are You going to use this?  Ahhhh it can just drive me crazy sometimes!

The mystery. The mysterious ways He moves and does what He does.

I need to be reminded that He is the great Orchestrator.  I am just one of many strings in this much greater song.  My string is precious, yes….but only valuable in the Greater Story…His story.  Wow, does He have a plan and He always has. It is not just about my own personal story, but the story of His whole world. All this time- since the beginning of time.

When I surrender and decide to enjoy the music around me…the more beautiful I will become in the song as a whole. Not so worried about my own individualistic part. He wants hearts that are excited for Him to be King and for us to be a “display” of His Mighty-ness and beauty.

Jesus show us your Story.  We were created.  We fell.  You initiated Redemption.  You completed Redemption. Now we share the good news. And one day you will come back and restore it all.

Thank you Jesus

3 thoughts on “One Day…oh One Day!

  1. No truer words were ever written. If we knew all of His plan – then we would not have to place our faith in Him, depend upon Him, and rest in Him.

  2. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Who DIDN’T memorize that one in Sunday School or Bible Drill? Well, forget that, says I sometimes, I don’t want a lamp, I want a SPOTLIGHT to my path! I want to see Step 3 through 20! I guess the word was well chosen by the psalmist. His Word lights our next step and perhaps a little of the one after that, but rarely much more. I guess that’s where trust comes in.

    Everybody quotes Romans 8:28 when things get tough, and well they might; but I think Romans 8:18 is every bit as important, and every bit as encouraging, once one’s perspective is allowed to go more long-range out of the mire of the murky present: “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

    Thanks for sharing this, Amy. I’m sure you will have struck a chord with a lot of people. God is and will be glorified in all, I know, but I hope your obedience and surrender can soon be balanced once again with palpable joy and peace.

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